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About BAND
Bay Area New Democrats (BAND), formed in 1999, is the oldest of the active Democratic clubs in the Houston metropolitan bay area. We are a diverse and effective club combining hard work on important issues and camaraderie with like-minded friends. In even-numbered election years, BAND traditionally opens a Democratic campaign headquarters in the Clear Lake area for state and/or national elections. The club sponsors rallies, town hall meetings, fundraisers and social events as well. Our members are active in various organizations in support of the community, voter registration and information, women and minority rights, immigration, the environment, education, consumer protection, faith-based groups and more.

Membership is $20 for an individual, $30 for a family and $15 for students. Membership fees can be paid on this website or with a check mailed to:
Bay Area New Democrats
P.O. Box 890381
Houston, TX 77062

Sign up to receive our weekly BAND Notes on the home page of this website.

BAND Meetings
BAND meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park, at 5002 E. NASA Pkwy. in Seabrook. Our meetings often feature a guest speaker along with discussions on field projects and local issues. We start with social time at 6:30 p.m., and the program begins at 7 p.m. 

Club Officers
President: Roger Boykins
Vice President: Joe Khan
Secretary: Melissa Courteau
Treasurer: Dianne Menard
Communications Director: Vicki Cherewaty